spring break WOOOOHOOOO
ok so my blog title is no indication whatsoever of how my spring break was. sorry to dissapoint. but it wasn't bad, very relaxing for the most part. got a haircut, went to a spa w/ vicky, went shopping, met up for a date w/ stacy, hung out w/ steve, did no work at all.. watched a lot of tournament basketball...its driving me nuts too, all the underdogs that are kicking butt and taking names. the only bracket i'm doing well in is the one on facebook (i was in 1st place for a little while). so this is just a short blog to get myself back into the swing of things b/c i want to keep up with it but when i fall behind more than a few days i feel overwhelmed with it and give up. there's only like 5 weeks left of college :-/ please find me a job!!! i need one badly. i have a feeling as soon as it gets warm i'm going to have major senioritis and won't want to do anything, including a job search so hopefully i find something soon.k that's all adios!
oh sometimes, sooooometimes.
i'm so bored, its definitely a blog-in-class time. let's see i wrote last tuesday. before i went to the mall? i guess. the mall was fun i bought a couple things and had lunch w/ my cousin, mom, and grandma.wednesday blah blah, thursday whoop de do, friday was go to allentown day. steve was taking a soccer coaching class at muhlenberg and wanted me to go w/ him. we stayed at his friend jeremy's apt and it was a really productive weekend for me, i got a lot of work done. friday night we ate at outback, which i haven't been to in forever - so yummy! saturday jeremy took me on a little tour of muhlenberg's campus, i twas such a nice day out and that campus is so pretty. on steve's lunch break we went to wawa for sandwiches. you know they have little computers you pick your sandwich with?! neat! the rest of the day i just did work, and saturday night we went to barnes and noble for a little while and then, after long debate, decided to eat at wegmans - so fun! so many choices. oh, wegmans is a big grocery store w/ a section of it devoted to cafeteria-sort of type food. but so much better. anyway it was fun and during dinner steve was eating a piece of chicken w/ his plastic fork and it broke. funny, but for some reason it didn't strike me as funny until later that night when i was falling asleep. after dinner we all watched the latest harry potter, it was o.k. i didn' think it was too great but oh well.sunday...same was saturday pretty much. steve was done around 4p so we headed back to jersey, had dinner at his house, and then back to school. i went over to wash to study theory w/ stacy - of course we paused to watch 'desperate housewives', studied a little more.yesterday, another beautiful day :) had classes and after yoga, stacy, steve, sara, kelly and i walked to rita's for our first italian ice of the season! whee! so delicious. i was on duty last night which, for some reason, was like 'hang up signs' night. i had so many flyers to hang up. a bunch of us went to hear a DUI speaker and he was really good, powerful story, good message. rest of the night was kinda fun b/c people hung out in my room! whee! but at like 1am a tracter trailer pulled into smith parking lot..weird.so today...in class, then to the gym b/c i'll be sitting on my butt the rest of the day studying. adios.
bloggy time
it's been a while since i updated, oops! actually not that bad, i forgot February only has 28 days so it's been like 6 days. no play-by-plays are necessary so i'll give a little summary!last thursday we had a snow day, but not until after i'd already taken my exam at 930a of course. the rest of the day was a lazy one until about 7p when stacy and i headed over to 105 to party it up!! so much fun, i had such a good time :) then i went to applebees w/ stacy, steve, dave, lindsay, johanna, donny, and eric i think? there were a bunch of us, to get 1/2 price apps and that was tooooo b/c food is so good.on friday morning i got bagels and worked on my life plan w/ stacy in the HUB til steve came back from belvidere. we took a little nap and then went out to eat at Charlie Browns for dinner! nice surprise for me! then we drove down to TCNJ to sleep over Emily's! we got ice cream from this little general store/dairy that makes their own ice cream-yummy! and we rented "red eye" - so scary. i thought it was good but had a weak ending though. oh, the reason we were at TCNJ is b/c steve was taking the praxis there early saturday morning so it was easier for him to sleep over there. so saturday he did that.saturday night we ate dinner at steve's then went over to jana and don's to watch the north carolina vs. duke basketball game w/ jeremy and his parents. they're all huge duke fans so it was a rough game.sunday i went home to do 4 loads of laundry, whee! and i was on duty? i think? yeah. and that was fine nothing really went on.yesterday...classes, yoga was hardcore, gym was hardcore, shower was...not hardcore? dinner then did some work until my laptop gave me the blue screen of death adn we had a fire alarm which led to an incident that lasted til around 1030p. watched some Reno911 then sleepy time!and now i'm off to the mall to meet up w/ my grandma and my cousin! adios!