Monday, July 21, 2008

Black and White Cookies, oh my.

So as I do many weekends, I drove out to the boy's apartment with no idea what we'd be having for breakfast/lunch/dinner the next few days. Sometimes I'll look up recipes and go out there with ideas of what to make, sometimes he looks up stuff...then we go food shopping and start the cookin'! I love it, especially when he picks the food, for some reason it's more fun for me that way.
Anyway, unlike the weekends where it takes a while to figure out what to make, he knew what he wanted from the second I got there;
and what he wanted was Black and White Cookies. Apparently at a work outing at the Meadowlands Racetrack that week they were being served, and he couldn't get them out of his mind. So he looked up a recipe on vegweb and before you know it we were feasting on these babies:
Heck yeah! Oh man they were so good. Here's another look at one:
Oh man...go make these, they're really fun and reminded me of childhood! Oh and I have to mention that the beautiful icing job was done by the boy - great attention to detail when it comes to baked goods.

So that's it; the black and white cookies! They're so tasty and make me so happy that my boyfriend can pick a random food and there's a vegan recipe out there for it! It will make his ultimate full transition to veganism much easier ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work.

7:01 PM  

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