spring break WOOOOHOOOO
ok so my blog title is no indication whatsoever of how my spring break was. sorry to dissapoint. but it wasn't bad, very relaxing for the most part. got a haircut, went to a spa w/ vicky, went shopping, met up for a date w/ stacy, hung out w/ steve, did no work at all.. watched a lot of tournament basketball...its driving me nuts too, all the underdogs that are kicking butt and taking names. the only bracket i'm doing well in is the one on facebook (i was in 1st place for a little while).
so this is just a short blog to get myself back into the swing of things b/c i want to keep up with it but when i fall behind more than a few days i feel overwhelmed with it and give up. there's only like 5 weeks left of college :-/ please find me a job!!! i need one badly. i have a feeling as soon as it gets warm i'm going to have major senioritis and won't want to do anything, including a job search so hopefully i find something soon.
k that's all adios!
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